The reading on proofs was interesting. The most difficult part was when I skipped a page explaining the proof method to prove an integer is positive or negative. Going back, realizing I missed a page, I read the idea. It took me a few readings to realize what they were trying to say. For an even number, the method is to show the formula can be written to as an arbitrary integer, multiplied by 2. For an odd integer, it is to show an integer being multiplied by 2 then adding 1. Understanding that made the following proofs make much more sense.
I find the method shown to prove that an integer is positive or negative is very interesting. I'm not sure how many significant proofs there are that would require this but it is good to understand the logic behind it. This idea has expanded my knowledge on the functionality of substitution because in the end the part that is an integer could be expressed as a single variable.
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